

Suddenly, i feel extremely tired...exhausted...and feel wanna escape....
so unhappy....because i burn a driver chip - TB6560AHQ
I know i'm doing R&D... burning off components is common... but i 'm just feeling too bad until i don even know how to proceed.... no guidance... i'm lost...
I hate this feeling and i have escaped feeling... feeling wanna excape from this condition, from the failure.
I know failure is common. Without failure, a person will never succeed.... but still, i still cannot recover from this feeling...
May be expressing  my feeling here can relax up my stressed heart.... Hope to solve the problem soon and produce better results...

1 条评论:

  1. Lol..thought you won't be updating your poecketlife already.
    No offence (frankly speaking based on my knowledge of you) but never thought you are so easily affected by a failure. Not to say it's only a tiny insignificant obstacle. I guess you must have pushed yourself too hard. Calm down friend, everything will turn out fine. And when the time has soothed your wound, you would then feel better. Try relax yourself by doing your favourite stuff. Escaping seems to be the only way under such circumstance. Sometimes, I do feel depressed but after listening to some music, I would regain my spirit--to continue the challenges that have once failed me.
    Gambateh. Hope you recover soon. ^_^
